57: Work, Play, Love // Another Mother Runner

September 16, 2019

57: Work, Play, Love // Another Mother Runner


57: Live From FootZone in Bend with Another Mother Runner

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Coming to you LIVE, from Footzone in downtown Bend, it's the Work, Play, Love / Another Mother Runner collab episode! Jay-Z and Beyonce have been put on notice.


-how years (and years!) of being competitive athletes shaped them as parents and partners;

-how to be the best cheerleader for each other;

-how to hone your own writerly voice (and the parallels between running + writing);

-the truly challenging endurance “sport” of traveling with children;

-why their on-again, off-again pre-marriage relationship serves them well today.

And Lauren pulls back the curtain on her new writing routine—and the new book she’s working on!

Jesse Lauren Another Mother Runner Podcast recording Footzone Bend

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