nutrition nuggets

Our mission with Picky Bars was clear: Create a real food energy bar balanced for sport. That meant easy-to-digest, feel-good ingredients carefully mixed in a macronutrient harmony that could support big workouts, without the chemicals or cheap fillers found in lots of sport-specific products.
Sound nutrition means utilizing all three macronutrients to their fullest potential; Carbs, Fat, and Protein all serve key purposes in keeping energy stores topped off and the body running right. Picky Bars + Picky Oats have carefully crafted, intentional nutrient balance to serve athletes and generally active people with the fuel they need. We’re not down with fads, unnecessary eliminations, or unsustainable, restrictive plans. That ish is whack.
The easiest fuel source to convert to energy, we use a mix of sugar (fruits), starch (grains), and fiber (fruit + nuts) to give quick and lasting energy without dramatically spiking blood sugar. This keeps the body’s energy stores topped off with glucose - its preferred fuel source - and running happy. Let your body work smarter, not harder!
If carbs are the fire starter, fats are the big logs that keep the fire going. Essential for growth and energy, we add healthy fats such as nuts and seeds for satiation and fueling. While tougher to convert to fuel than carbs or protein, fat is the most energy efficient macronutrient - offering nine calories for each gram (versus four from carbs and protein.) When immediate-energy glucose gets sparse the body turns to fat for energy, so it’s important to incorporate those good healthy fats in your regular diet.
Protein is key for building and repairing muscle tissue after big workouts, but too much can cause a real stress on your body, especially depending on its source. (Animal, soy, whey, plant...) We use an organic sprouted brown rice protein in Picky Bars that’s minimally processed under low temps to keep the integrity of those hard working amino acids in tact. All 10+ grams of protein in Picky Oats comes entirely from the oats, nuts, and chia seeds - no added powder! Booyah.
Gluten. Dairy. Soy. GMO. We left out these common digestive irritants and honestly, don’t think anyone’s missing them. With Steph’s Celiac Disease and Jesse’s fart’y parties (not as fun as they might sound) we hard-passed on it all. Even if you’re not allergic or sensitive, enjoy Picky Bars and Oats knowing they’re free of all that noise.
While we are aware that sugar is the latest fad ingredient on which to blame all human suffering, we simply don’t think a rock hard sugar-free brick is appetizing, or necessary. Our bars are made with a careful balance of simple and complex carbs (sugar) to deliver steady energy, backed with healthy fats and protein to make sure the flame doesn't burn out in a flash.
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