By Sarah Conklin

Picky Club Survey Results - 2023

A note from co-founder, Jesse Thomas:

Thank you all for completing our Picky Club survey! As we mentioned, it’s been a while since we surveyed you all and there’s been lots of big changes since our last club survey. This info was really valuable to see where we’re at, and what we should do going forward! As promised, we wanted to share some results with you all and some “action items” from us as takeaways from your feedback. So here goes!


Overall: People really like the club!

Well, that’s good to hear! We scored a 4.35 out of 5 stars for satisfaction in the club and 8.5 out of 10 on how likely you are to recommend the club to a friend. Overall pretty good, and what we hope reflects some solid value being “delivered” to you all.

4.4 average rating (of 5)


What are your favorite parts of the club?

Discount was by far the most mentioned word (20% of you said it vs about 5% of you mentioned Product, shipping, flexibility, etc). Clearly, big product discounts are main reason people are in the club. Other most mentioned reasons revolved around the convenience of the club: ease of use, flexibility, monthly delivery, easy reorder. Second tier reasons were: really like the products, and like the variety.

favorite parts of the club answer word cloud


What are your biggest complaints about the club?

The most used word by far was “none or nothing” (well, thanks)! But reading through all the responses shows the main complaints being:

Top Tier

  • Shipping delays, or long shipping times
  • Customer service problems, or lack of communication around shipping delays or out of stocks
  • Price/cost/expensive

Second Tier

  • Loss of products that have been discontinued (we feel this too)
  • Website clunkiness
  • Smaller / more expensive products
  • Less free stuff and communication than hoped for


What are some things we could do to improve the club?

Again, top tier suggestions are easy to see from word cloud:

  • New/free products (including Laird Superfood products)
  • Better/bigger discounts
  • Free stuff, stickers, swag, in general more perks!


How important are the following traits in your decision to purchase Picky Products?

Same as we’ve seen before - taste, real food ingredients, and balanced nutritional profile are the top tier reasons people purchase Picky products. Athlete and dietary preferences are next followed by brand, founder story, and fun packaging. Cool to know you all love those product traits!



How important are these current club benefits to you? 

As we heard in the previous open answer, the most important club benefits are the basic mechanics - discounts, regular orders, ability to pause/skip/cancel, convenience. Second tier is new product samples, inserts/surprises, and early sales, etc. We’ll keep leaning into making it smooth for you all.



How interested would you be if we added these potential programs?

Top tier

  • Add one off items
  • Discounts on non picky products
  • Shareable friends and family discount codes

Second Tier

  • Non picky products
  • Training tips, 
  • Merchandise



When it comes to activities, I consider myself...

Picky Club is still dominated mostly by competitive/consistent runners, and some competitive / consistent triathletes. We also see an increase here compared to before cycling, hiking, gravel and MTB!


How’d you discover Picky Bars?

It’s no surprise we still get a lot of discovery from our Founder superstar Lauren Fleshman, who recently published her NY Times best seller, Good for a Girl. But we love to see that many of you found out about us through friends and Strava. We hope to lean into that more in 2024!



Thanks again. Not just for reading (all the way through! way to go!), but for taking the time to provide feedback and of course, for being a Clubber. We're really looking forward to building on these takeaways and making the Picky Club the best version of itself yet.


Jesse Thomas, Picky Bars co-founder