Ben Marr


It’s a regular occurrence at Picky HQ for someone to blurt out a “WHOA, HOLY ____!” at their desk, and there’s a high likelihood it’s something to do with Ben. He’s the type of dude you can count on to tackle the craziest thing you can dream up, and then make it even more extreme. Prime example: “That sounds sketchy, dude” Ben: “Ha, dude it’ll be sick!” (from Kayaking a Drainage Ditch) Long story short, he’s racking up #lifepoints left and right.

Q&A with Ben

Describe yourself in three words:
freeride, passive-competitive, Haiku: the sound of rapids, in each of the 4 seasons, full freedom and flow.

Who would play you in your biopic?
Kid Rock

Wildest memory/moment from competing?
16 day bender during the world championships of freestyle kayaking. I didn't place very high but it was an amazing time to be a part of a wild international whitewater community.

Proudest non-sport accomplishment?
Hopefully in the works.

Best book you've read recently?
The Hate U Give - Angie Thomas

Why Picky Bars?
I use Picky Bars for after shred fueling, I use the Oats and Granola for breakfast and on expeditions, I use the Drizzle on EVERYTHING. I love the pancakes and have just started having those for some breakfasts. I love using these products because of the attention to detail in both the content of the recipes and the flavours. I feel taken care of athletically and almost indulgent because it tasted so good.




Home Base

Not yet


August 25th, 1086 (Ben is a vampire)

Highlight Reel

  • 485 km of kayaking through 3 rivers in 29 hours

  • 2x rider of the year

  • Some cool first descents

  • Some cool second descents

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