Austin’s not only a legit jaw-dropping snowboarder, serious thrill-seeker, and local Bendite, he’s an opinionated dude that knows how to stand up for a cause that means something to him. He co-founded Drink Water with fellow pro snowboarder Bryan Fox in 2011 as a protest to the energy drink companies aggressively targeting their sport (as well as other action sports) and encouraging unhealthy habits to kids. Drink Water is a simple reminder to utilize the resources at hand, and donates 10% of its profits from events and merch sales to
Proudest accomplishment, professional:
Still a pro snowboarder through all the highs and lows.
Proudest accomplishment, non-pro:
Turning down a sponsorship to sell poison to kids.
Who’s your biggest supporter:
My parents.
What mantra keeps you going when the going gets tough?
Work harder than those surrounding you.
Favorite Place in the US:
British Columbia (we'll award partial credit since B.C. is really sweet and we love our neighbors to the north.)
What'd you want to be when you grew up?
First a writer and then a pro snowboarder.
Favorite Food (other than Picky Bars, of course):
Leftovers at home.
Why'd you pick Picky?
I spend most of my time in snowy cold weather and it almost seems like a cruel joke to be hungry in the cold and when you try and eat a bar it is frozen solid. You have to saw on it with your teeth while trying to breath heavily on it to slowly soften it. Not with Picky Bars, they are just as soft in the store as they are on a cold windy night snow camping.
Originally my mom wanted to name me Zoe, sometimes I consider myself a Zoe.
Bend, OR
December 14th
Co-founder of Drink Water