Jesse's CEO Updates

August 2, 2019

Heyo Picky Clubbers!

Wow, what a year. What. A. Year.

I know the middle of the summer doesn’t normally elicit feelings of yearly reflection, but for me, this year, it does.

Those of you who were with us last summer (affectionately dubbed “Summer $h!tstorm, 2018”) will remember that July 2018 was the lowest of the low for Picky Bars as a business, with all of our bars out of stock from a major supply chain issue. We canceled the majority of Picky Club (and most other) shipments last July, and swapped out product when you graciously agreed to do so. Financially, operationally, logistically, and literally physically and emotionally, July 2018 was the toughest month ever at Picky Bars HQ.

Well in no small part thanks to you, we survived, and I am happy to say (somewhat hesitantly) that a year later we are...thriving! July 2019 was our best month ever as a business, and the Picky Club leads that charge.

So before I get into some stuff we’re working on for you - I want to first and foremost, say thank you! Honestly, thank you so much for your support. It means a lot. We still have a ways to go to completely fill the hole last summer put us in, but we’re making great headway, and you all played a big part in that. Lauren, Steph, and I, and the rest of the team at Picky HQ really appreciate it.

p.s. Really looking forward to this year's Lifepoints Picky Club Weekend in a couple weeks!

Now onto more important things - New Stuff that’s Available NOW!


★ Free Product for your Event 

As a small thank you for your support when we had no product to sell much less giveaway, now that we do have said product, we’d like to give some to you! We know many of you participate on teams, workout groups, group runs/rides, and community athletic or non athletic events. As a Picky Club member, we’d like to support you. If you have an event, group workout, or some other thing that you think some Picky Bars, Picky Oats, and/or Picky Granola would add some flavor to (dad pun INTENDED), let us know. We’re piloting a program to provide a certain number of club members a month with product for their group or community events, first come first serve. You can submit your event for consideration through the link below.


★ $10 Refer a Friend, $10 To You 

This was one of the most requested features in the club survey we sent out last October, and I’m happy to say this program is now 100% in play! For every person you refer to the Picky Club, you’ll get $10 off your club, and the person you refer will get $10 off theirs. It’s simple to do, just follow the instructions below, and we’ll hook you up!

    • Log in to your Account, click "Check My Picky Points Balance"
    • Grab the referral link
    • Share with your friends!


★ Good Luck, Mel - Hello, Julia! (New Customer Happiness Specialist)

It’s with a heavy heart that we bid adieu and good luck to Mel, who is stepping down from her role at Picky Bars to focus 100% on her racing toward the 2020 Olympic Trials in the 3000m Steeplechase. It’s hard to understate the impact Mel has had on the Club, so we thank her massively and wish her the best of luck. However, we do have a worthy replacement capable of filling the big spikes Mel leaves behind - Julia Green - our intern last year through the crux of our customer service issues during the out of stock. Julia has trained with Mel the last month or so and we believe is super capable of bringing the same level of personal touch and service to this role. Welcome Julia, we’re stoked to have you!

Have no fear - You're still in adorably cheery good hands.

New Stuff that’s Coming Soon! (in most likely order of when it will come):


★ New Website 

We’re about 3-4 weeks away from a major update to our website! In addition to a faster, streamlined, more visual shopping and Picky Club creation process, it will also include an update to your Club account and management page - another much-requested improvement from the survey last year. It will be easier to change products and flavors in your upcoming Club shipments, particularly on your mobile device, and also change your shipping date, update shipping address, CC info, etc. We’re also going to roll out some “Pre Built” club options that will be recommended mixes of product - ie, “Jesse’s Picky Club” which includes 37 Ah Fudge Nut Bars and 6 bags of PBJ Granola! I know that one will be a hit! Look for that late August/early September.

★ New Club Boxes

Yep, your Club box will look cooler than ever so you can make your mailman jealous. See the preview below. Coming September-ish!

★ (Shhhh + ~3-4 months down the road) New Bar

I’m a little hesitant to let this one out of the bag, because it’s still in development, but we may or may not have a new bar coming down the road in the next few months, and it may or may not be a different ingredient and nutritional profile than our current bars, and it may or may not taste delicious. It’s still early days with some big manufacturing and packaging design steps to go, but I’m snacking on a prototype right now and hot damn it’s yummy so I thought I’d let you all know.

★ (Shhhhh + early next year) Another New Product 

Lauren is back working on some stuff. I can’t say what this is because it’s too early but it’s something we don’t have, but has been requested by our Picky Club in particular. Maybe this is more annoying to you than just not saying anything, but it’s exciting stuff and as we finalize recipes and packaging, you all will for sure be the first to know and try!


Thanks again for being part of the Picky Club. We really appreciate your support and certainly hope your experience is positive! As always, I’d love your feedback, ideas, questions, comments, concerns, bad jokes and puns, etc. Feel free to email me at if you have any suggestions. I might not be able to respond to everyone, but I will read them all and take them to heart and to the team to improve. Thanks again and have a great rest of your summer!


CEO + co-founder