· By Sarah Conklin
23: 26.2 to Tri, Funks, Asthma + Amenorrhea
Juggling work-life balance can be a real three-ring circus, which Lauren & Jesse know first hand. Led by listener questions, this new podcast is all about sports, biz, and family. [ASK YOUR QUESTION]
23: Progressing from Marathon to Triathlon, Post-Race Funks, Asthma + Amenorrhea in Runners
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Lauren and Jesse are fresh back from a work-meeting-slash-family-vacay-slash-race-day trip to Seattle where Lauren smashed out a 6k XC run. Truly work, play, and love at its finest. Tune in to hear what it was like for Lauren to pin on a number and race again (pain, cramps, and all), and hear about Jesse’s experience on the sidelines with Zadie and Jude. Then Jesse and Lauren dive in to a bunch of NEW news. Exciting new distribution opportunity for Picky Bars? Maybe so. New Picky product on the horizon? Yep. And an all-new segment on the WPL pod? You can say that again—three times fast: it’s rapid fire! Well, more like…medium fire? Jesse and Lauren try their best to quickly answer your quick questions before turning to your regularly scheduled listener quandaries. This week, the WPL couple tackle the following topics:
- What advice do you have for someone who runs marathons or half marathons and wants to transition to triathlon? (DON’T, says Lauren, jokingly).
- How do you bring back the passion after you find yourself in a post-race funk?
- How do you manage asthma while running when doctors aren’t helping?
- How do you maintain your period while training, and how does training affect fertility?
When it comes to transitioning from one endurance sport—like marathon—to three in triathlon, Jesse and Lauren recommend getting into that group life. Find a swim group. Find a bike group. Learn from your new peers. And, of course, find yerself a coach if you don’t already have one.
If you’re experiencing post-race doldrums, know that you’re not alone. Lauren and Jesse share how they’ve both heard that little discouraging voice ask, “why do I even do this?” during and after races. The best way to climb out of a post-race funk? Give it time. Be gracious with yourself when it comes to accomplishing big goals. And stay open for when that familiar pull calls you back to the track.
If allergies and asthma are giving you the wheezies during training, try not to let it get you down. Lauren shares her own experience with asthma during training and gives some advice on how to rise above the stress and mental side of asthma that can intensify symptoms.
Training hard can come with serious consequences for any athlete. A listener dealing with Female Athlete Triad experienced losing her period while training for her last marathon. She knows that in maintaining an athletic body-fat percentage, she may increase her risk of not being able to have kids in the future—and she’s struggling to find a balance between those two realities. Lauren discusses times throughout her career where she lost her period, and points to some new research that tackles these issues for female athletes. Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport, or RED-S, is now driving the conversation when it comes to maintaining your period and staying healthy while training. And what’s more, it affects male athletes as well. Check it out!
You guys. Thanks a ton for all of the great questions this week. As always, submit your work/play/love question at pickybars.com/workplaylove - Thanks for listening!
Looking for more podcasts to snack on during the week? Here are some Flomas favorites:
Lauren: Radio Lab | Serial | Real Talk Radio | Everything is Alive | Ali On The Run | C Tolle Run | The Morning Shakeout | Savage Lovecast
Jesse: How I Built This | Unfinished Biz | All Songs Considered | Purple Patch Podcast | Tower 26
As always, submit your work/play/love question at pickybars.com/workplaylove - Thanks for listening!