By Sarah Conklin

61: New Bars(?), Caffeinated Gels, Crushes

Juggling work-life balance can be a real three-ring circus, which Lauren & Jesse know first hand. Led by listener questions, the Work, Play, Love Podcast is all about sports, biz, and family. [ASK YOUR QUESTION]

61: Swimming Workouts, Coconut Picky Bars, Writing Practice, Caffeinated Gels, Crushes

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After a wild week away, it’s only fitting that Jesse and Lauren sit down for a rapid-fire episode filled with your tasty bite questions. The Work Play Love duo covers some “fun” workouts to try when you’re injured and relegated to the pool, they talk about how to introduce yourself when you’ve got a crush, they offer advice about using caffeinated gels on long runs, and they give a peek behind the scenes into the Picky Bars test kitchens. Plus, listeners write in to follow up about traveling with kids to triathlons, swimming in groups, and more.

What’s goin’ on?!!

Lauren’s riding high after a whirlwind five day trip that took her from Bend up to Seattle for a photo shoot to show off the latest (and most awesome) threads from Oiselle. Can you say super fuzzy wuzzy fuhhleeeece!? Check out Oiselle’s new fall lineup here! Then she swung up to Snohomish to attended the Snohomish River Run as an ambassador. She finished out her trip in LA where she saw Brandi Carlile perform Joni Mitchell’s Blue. Tune in to hear Lauren’s review of her trip. Plus, she and Jesse talk about Stephanie Bruce’s incredible performance at the Chicago Marathon and the hilarity of trying to feel natural during photo shoots.

Check out Joni Mitchell’s Blue here!

Variety review of Brandi Carlile performing Blue

Forbes review of Brandi Carlile performing Blue

Meanwhile, Jesse spent the week with Picky Bars and did some good ol’ fashioned solo parenting. He shares some of the antics he got into with Zadie and Jude at the Picky Bars office and gives a health update about the hernia that’s got him down. But there’s some pretty fun stuff on the horizon. Jesse’s heading to LA for Phil Gaimon’s Cookie Fondo. If you’re in the area, come by for some Picky goodness!

    Tasty Bites

    18:42 - If you had to describe the current state of your life as a setting, how would you describe it?

    If by setting you mean, like, a place…

    Jesse: Outer space.

    Lauren: A battle scene with a storm in Pirates of the Caribbean

    If by setting you mean, like, a setting on a fan…

    Jesse: Medium-high.

    Lauren: Oscillating.

    20:14 - What is a favorite swimming or water-jogging workout to pass the time and get your heart rate up?

    Jesse has no favorite swimming workouts. But Lauren recommends Swim Workouts In A Binder by Velopress to give you some ideas for swim workouts that will save you from boredom. Here are some water jogging workouts: 

    • 45 minutes: 4 minute jog, 1 minute hard
    • 3 minutes strong, 2 minutes easy x 8
    • 1 minute medium, 1 minute medium-hard, 1 minute hard, 2 minutes easy

    21:58 - Have you ever thought of trying a coconut-based flavor combo for Picky Bars?

    Yes, yes we have! And we might just have some coconut deliciousness happening in our test kitchen right now. Keep your eye out in 2020 for updates! 

    23:06 - Is Jesse going to try a cyclocross race?

    Some health setbacks have kept Jesse from cyclocross racing this year, but he’d still like to compete in the future (maybe next year!). In general cyclocross is an awesome way to improve your bike handling skills, which you may find surprisingly under-developed as a triathlete!

    24:27 - How do you start a writing practice?

    Buy the book Writing Down The Bones by Natalie Goldberg. This is an awesome resource for anyone who wants to start a writing practice. Then? Get a notebook! The Wilder Notebook is an awesome writing notebook with prompts to help you put the pen to the page!

    26:04 - I’ve got a crush! How do I introduce myself to my crush?

    Hey! That’s awesome! The best thing to do if you’re interested in someone is just go for it. Get out there. Introduce yourself. Ask them to hang out! You got this!

    Should I introduce myself to my crush through mutual friends?

    You totally could introduce yourself to a crush through mutual friends, but you just have to feel that out. Consider the relationship on either side to the person in the middle. Maybe pass your phone number along? This can totally be an effective way to meet someone, but it’s also pretty great if you just go for it yourself.

    28:11 - How can I relieve symptoms of high hamstring tendinopathy and get back to running?

    This is tough because everyone’s body is different. Make sure to give yourself a ton of rest. If you notice any activity or movements that agitate the issues, don’t do those things! Try PT exercises like bridges and eccentric hamstring exercises. If you’re feeling better, you can try slowly building up your dynamic movement and see what works and what doesn’t work for you. 

    30:38 - What is your advice about consuming caffeinated gels on long runs?

    If you’re not a coffee drinker, pay attention to how caffeine affects you on your run. Everyone’s body responds differently to caffeine, and it may not positively affect your run. In general, consume your caffeinated gels on the second half of your long runs. And once you start using caffeinated gels on a run, don’t switch back to non-caffeinated gels. Keeping these two principles in mind can help you avoid a caffeine crash during your long run.


              33:44 - Swimming in groups.

              In episode 60, a listener wrote in to ask for advice about swimming in groups—a notoriously tough thing to get used to when competing in triathlon. In this follow-up, a fellow listener suggests water polo as a great way to get used to being up close and personal in the pool.

              34:53 - On being fast in a running group vs. being friends.

              In episode 60, another listener was concerned about being the slowest person in their running group. In order to maintain their time with friends, they had to *really* push themselves every time the group got together. Today, a fellow listener follows up to say that your running group can successfully work with faster and slower runners. On fast days, the group can compete, slower folks can go at their own pace, etc. But on easy days, that’s when the group can run slowly together and enjoy time with friends.


              As always, submit your work/play/love question at - Thanks for listening!