By Sarah Conklin


"We did it. You've fed my dream."

Reading those words from our Feed the Dream triathlete Ted Treiss after his overall age group win at Ironman 70.3 Augusta erupted the office in applause, followed by "awws" when we found out about the cherry-on-top power couple detail. (Fun coincidence: Husband/wife duo Tim O'Donnell and Mirinda Carfrae also won the pro races!) After all the hard training, making the tough call to change careers, and moving home to Minnesota, it all came together for him this weekend. With the victory he qualified for his pro card and we couldn't be happier, prouder, or more excited for his exciting future ahead. YES, TED!


"It’s hard to believe this moment has come and I still get choked up thinking about calling my folks after the race… “ Mom, we did it, we won Ironman 70.3 Augusta”... but I could not be more thankful for everyone that has gotten me here today. I’ve learned things from a ton of (so many ?) people that we’d be here for a few days if I thank them all; whether that was the proper pedal stroke, hydration osmolality, journaling, enjoying the journey, proper nutrition, being present, not training until you fall apart, and many other things; it has all helped me greatly and I hope someone can learn from my trials and tribulations as I move forward on this adventure. In the coming days, I’ll be sharing a more step by step write up on the race. Stay tuned!

Not only was this dream fed, but Dani Vsetecka (superwoman girlfriend of mine) also took the overall female win. After a year of injuries and setbacks, she killed it & I couldn’t be more excited for her accomplishment. Sunday was truly an amazing day. 

P.S. What does a couple do after they just won Ironman 70.3  Augusta for celebration? We went to CVS and bought a box of Honey Bunches of Oats and some almond milk, then enjoyed our championship cereal while watching HGTV at the hotel trying not to fall asleep. #LifePoints"