By Sarah Conklin

Introducing our Sponsored Athletes!

picky bars picky team athletes


When we first started talking about putting together a team of sponsored athletes (which feels like forever and a half ago, by the way) it was with a significant amount of daydream’y romance and eagerness. “How cool would it be to have super rad people fuel their incredible adventures with our bars??!” we thought. “It’d be so great to support them more than just being a fan and watching all of their Youtube videos 10x/day!” was said more than once. “I would just die for an excuse to talk to Cedar Wright…” was also possibly also mentioned.


What happened over the next few months was a true labor of awestruck love – late nights in the office, hundreds (thousands?) of emails and shared google docs, and more shrieks and high fives than we’d admit to if we weren’t so unashamedly geeked out on the athletes we can now officially call the Picky Team. We reached out to local heroes, burgeoning rookies, nationally-recognized superstars we thought were totally out of our league, and even a guy that got punk’d by Ashton Kutcher once. People that truly embodied our #lifepoints credo, that filled us with excitement and passion and a desire to go do outrageously big things. That’s who we wanted to fuel, who we thought our fans would be stoked on, and who we hoped would give a shot to the little energy bar company from Bend, Oregon.

We’re blown away, so stoked, and super honored to finally present the Picky Team to you!


  • Western States / Leadville / Run Rabbit Run 100 champion: Rob Krar
  • Rock climber and acclaimed film director: Cedar Wright
  • Olympic Medalist Swimmer and ESPY Finalist: Caitlin Leverenz
  • Ultrarunner, Marathoner, Jack-of-All-Trades Runner: Alex Varner
  • Ultrarunner and “Grand Slam” finisher: Denise Bourassa
  • Olympic track star: Andrew Wheating
  • Alpinist and rock climber: Chris Wright
  • Freestyle whitewater kayaker and star of several whitewater films: Ben Marr
  • Snowboarder and co-founder of Drink Water: Austin Smith
  • Triathlete and Ironman commentator: Matt Lieto
  • Multiple X-Games Gold Medalist and elite-amateur triathlete: Dave Mirra
  • World Championship track medalist and Founder of Run Gum: Nick Symmonds
  • Professional all-female track team Little Wing, including:
    • NCAA Champion, Pan American Gold Medalist Christine Babcock
    • World Relays Silver Medalist and US Road Mile Champion Kate Grace
    • Olympic Trials qualifier Collier Lawrence
    • NCAA Champion Mel Lawrence

And here’s what our founders have to say, who *unconfirmed* must be feeling quite a bit like proud parents right now… Picky Bars is growin’ up!

“It was important to us to partner with athletes that not only strive for greatness, but who give back, encourage, support, and actively participate in their sport communities.” – Jesse

“It’s always been a dream and goal of ours to support other athletes in ways that showcase not only their athletic badassery, but also the cool stuff they do outside of competition” – Lauren

“The Picky Team is full of the kind of people who make you want to go big and live well.” – Steph

We propose a big glass-clinking toast in honor of these incredible athletes we’re so lucky to team up with, their epic adventures ahead, and hope you’ll join us in following their radness. (Just don’t get in trouble for watching too many videos and hogging the office’s bandwidth.)


The Picky Crew

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