It's marathon season! With big races on the horizon (look for co-founder Steph in the Chicago pro field!) we’re sharing Jasyoga's top stretches for time-poor runners.
Your comfort zone is... comfortable. But the rush of trying something new, accomplishing the 'impossible', being scared silly and surviving? So much better. "...For Noobs" prologue.
As an amateur, Thailyr never understood the value of a running coach. But her goal to BQ and an opportunity to work with Steph came her way, and, well, now she gets it...
The road to Kona looks a little different, and a little more literal, for Curtiss Feltner than it does most triathletes. Living out of a minivan means searching for routes (and toilets)...
Alright nutrition nerds and generally curious people, we’re here to drop a little knowledge bomb on you. Our tagline “it’s freaking science, dude” isn’t just a funny little saying, it’s…