· By Sarah Conklin
Steepling Lawrence Sisters at Olympic Trials
We sat down with our in-house steeplechase sister superstars, Collier and Mel Lawrence, to get a feel for their mindset heading into the 2016 Olympic Trials – Collier’s second go, Mel’s first crack. Here’s what they had to say in our very formal, sort of official, mostly serious interview.
What’s the first word that comes to mind when you hear…
2012 Trials – Collier: Learning. Mel: Soggy.
Eugene – C: TrackTown (they did a good job marketing that one obviously.) M: Running.
Hayward – C: Familiar. M: Track.
Rio – C: Red. M: 2016.
Dirty – C: Dozen. M: Thirty. (Mel is 25.)
Team – C: Player. M: LittleWing.
Celebration – C: Dance Parties. M: Victory. (the committee has chosen not to disqualify Collier for her two word answer.)
What are you most looking forward to, race-wise?
C: Competing. Putting myself out there and letting my body and mind do what it’s been trained to do. Racing to represent your country is pretty high on the “13 Patriotic Ways WE WANT YOU to Celebrate The Fourth of July” list right?
M: To experience racing at the Olympic Trials and to soak it all in.
What are you most looking forward to, off the oval?
C: It’s rare to have all the people who support what I’m doing in one place- being able to share this experience with them on and off the track is such privilege. Also I heard a rumor Picky Bars is giving away sno-cones? I’ll be hitting that up post race. I love a good cone of red, white, and blue snow.
M: After racing…drinking a beer, eating prince pucker’s ice-cream, and going on some adventures.
Do you ever imagine things lurking in the water pit, like a crocodile or quicksand or Freddy Krueger?
C: No but occasionally you’ll pop over that barrier to women who’s taken tumble and scrambling to get out. The thought process is “I’m either going to spike you in the back or shove your head back in the water. Sorry if your hair wasn’t already wet.”
M: Haha no, I never have. But I’ve seen people put goldfish in there before.
Imagine a Prince Puckler Ocean Roll sandwich – what flavor ice cream do you put in the middle?
C: One scoop of vanilla, one scoop of Cup of Joe. I take my ocean rolls with a cup of coffee. Feed the Dream. Caffeinate my Adventures.
M: Ooooo cookies and Cream because it’s my favorite, but I think classic vanilla would compliment it the best.
Steeple prelims go off Monday 7/4 at 4:03pm! You can tune in to watch Mel, Col, and all the other exciting Trials action on NBC Sports, or the live stream.