Many of us are working and working out from home. Races are postponed. Gyms are closed. Things are disrupted and uncertain. This is the perfect time to check in with our friends at Athletes for Yoga for tips on how to use yoga right now to keep moving toward your goals, and feel better along the way.
We all have an opportunity to use yoga now and benefit long term. Feeling stressed? Use yoga — knowing that the solutions and habits you implement now will support you far beyond current circumstances. The same goes for using this time to full advantage to get ready for those postponed races and adventures — use yoga to buildfunctional strength, strategically prevent injuries, and optimize recovery to make you a more balanced, resilient, and powerful athlete.
Use yoga now and benefit always. Lets go!
Whether you’re working from home, working out from home, stressed like woah, can’t sleep… we got you. Plus, just for Picky People,use codePICKYA4Y before April 30 for 50% off your first month — after your FREE 14-day trial, that’s 6 weeks of full access to A4Y app + desktop for less than $5.
With no co-workers giving you the side eye, why not set a timer for every hour and hit a quick 5-Minute Reset? By the end of the day, you’ll be some looser and hopefully more relaxed.
This one is full of quick hits you can do anytime, anywhere. Roll through it a couple times a week, and you’ll have your fave stretches memorized for quick wins all day long.
How many tabs do you have open right now? Seriously. And how many tabs does it *feel* like you have open in your head? Use this simple 5 minute meditation to refocus and feel more calm and clear.
Use these functional core videos to feel the burn AND more importantly feel the difference in your power and performance.
Get strong without any equipment. You choose an area you want to focus on — core, glutes, upper body — we’ve got videos ready to get your muscles lit up.
Use these videos to gain functional strength to help you become a more balanced, resilient, and powerful runner. From stabilizing your hips and activating your glutes, to powering your "push off” and strengthening your back core muscles, there's a video to get stronger in the real ways you need as a runner.
This Reset does just what it promises — in just 20 minutes you’ll release pent up stress, tension, and stiffness so that you can relax into more restful sleep. And wake up feeling like you Hit Reset.
Your heart and mind are racing, switch off the fire hose of news and memes, and put your legs up the wall. This meditation guides you through a relaxing self-massage of your shoulders and key stress holders in your face.
Release that tension fast. This 5-Minute Neck Reset has a way of changing your perspective and releasing pent up stress and tension in your neck and shoulders in just 5 minutes.
Stop what you’re doing. Pay attention to your breath. It will tell you everything you need to know about your internal state. Now use this 4 minute meditation to lengthen your exhale. This simple breathing practice has a profound calming effect on your nervous system, helping you to slow your heart rate and relax.
This is the ultimate in relaxation yoga.Use props (pillows and books, or blocks and a bolster) to support your body so that your tired muscles don't have to. You’ll ease overworked muscles and decrease any tension and stress your body is holding.