Nick Troutman


When it comes to sport, success is about more than competitions and titles. While Nick does hold a hefty collection of accolades, first descents, and epic runs kindly captured by POV footage for all of us to enjoy, it’s his infectious energy and dedication to family life that really captured our eye. From insanely serene remote rivers, to extreme comps, to adorable #dadgoals photos, he’s a fun follow.

Q&A with Nick

Describe yourself in three words:
Happy, kind, determined.

Do you believe in aliens?
I think the fact there there is a multitude of never ending universes it makes it hard to rule out the possibilities of life other than on Earth.

Proudest accomplishment, non-pro:
I was the captain of my high school Rugby team for three years, until I got a major concussion and wasn’t allowed to play anymore. (I rung my bell pretty good doing a back-flip in the kitchen, I didn’t know who I was for 12 hours.)

Who’s your biggest supporter?
My wife, Emily. She supports all my crazy adventures, with one of our craziest adventures being parents.

What’d you want to be when you grew up:
A professional athlete, movie star, entrepreneur.

Favorite Place in the US:
My RV, it lets me see all of the USA. An RV is by far the best real-estate you can buy.

Favorite Food:
I make a mean 8 layer lasagna every Christmas Eve, but my go-to is a peanut butter and blueberry sandwich.

Why Picky Bars?
I like to take care of myself the best I can, and part of that is eating healthy. Picky Bars are the perfect option for me to throw in my life-jacket and have a healthy and sustaining snack on the river, that and I love the epic flavors.



I have always had many, but not too many that really stuck. Nick, Nich, Nico, Troutboy. I was always better at giving nicknames then getting them.

Home Base

Ontario, Canada


October 28th

Highlight Reel

  • Freestyle Kayak World Champion

  • North American Champion

  • 8x National Champion

  • Handful of first descent waterfalls in Mexico, First Full Descent of the Rio Alseseca

  • Father of an amazing son and daughter

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